Mercedes Rosende weaves a new chapter in the vertiginous and captivating world of Ursula, the lonely translator with weight problems whose crimes are a way of asserting a new self and leaving behind a past of abuse. As always, the river of the main story unfolds into multiple tributaries in the middle of a rainy, dusty and cold Montevideo. Intrigues, deaths, robberies, corruption, blackmail, surprising sexual encounters surround the protagonist and give life to a city that operates in a darkness peppered with continuous flashes of irony.
“Mercedes Rosende brings the tradition of the noir plot to the streets of Montevideo, and comes out triumphant.” – La diaria, December 2019
“Ursula is a villain like few others who generates in the reader the desire that everything be well for her.” – Montevideo Portal
320 pages – Original language: Spanish for Uruguay/Argentina/Chile (PLANETA Uruguay, 2020); Foreign Editions: World English (Bitter Lemon Press, 2023), German (Unionsverlag, 2022), AUDIO/Spanish (Storytel, 2020)